Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.” (Psalm 144:1 KJV)

 Manchester United became ultra-successful under the management of Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson CBE. He managed the team from 1986 to 2013 and within these nearly 27 years of extraordinary coaching, they won 38 trophies. He had an uncanny mastery of the art that earned him global acclaim and recognition.

In sporting competitions like any other field of human endeavor, every winning team is traceable to the coach. Every team is as good as its coach. No wonder, when a team is having a bad season, the coach is usually the first victim.  But the case is usually different when the team is winning. In the case of Sir Ferguson, his winning streak made him look irreplaceable and indispensable.

Just as you need a great coach in every department of life, more so in the game of destiny. Destiny presents you the choice of winning or losing. If you are a winning freak and winning conscious like me, you’ll choose the Master Coach to teach your hands to war and fingers to fight, to win and sustain your winning streak.

In this life, we face all manner of challenges that try to steal our joy and inheritance. At home and at work, there are contending forces challenging our glorious destiny. In the market place, there are pseudo bulls that don’t only want to intimidate those of us in business, but to drive us out of business. The good news is that you’re not a bear that they can intimidate. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is your Coach.

And when God is your Coach, expect to experience the following:

1.       He teaches you creative and innovative ways to profit both in stable and unstable operating environments. (Is.48:17; Prov.8:12)

2.       He leads you from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. (2 Cor.2:14)

3.       You’re empowered to tread upon your opponents and overcome all the powers of the enemy. (Luke 10:19)

4.       You’re empowered not to fall or fail. You remain ever strong, unbeatable and blameless. (Jude 24)

5.       You’re endued with The Spirit of Wisdom to display the complicated and many-sided wisdom of God. (Eph.3:10)

6.       You enjoy supernatural support and help. (Ps.56:9; Roms.8:31)

7.       You become more than a conqueror. (Roms.8:37)

8.       No devil will encroach your boundary lines when God is your Coach. (Ps.16:5-6; 125:1-3)

9. Your perspective of the enemy or opponent or antagonist is strengthened. Your challenger becomes infinitesimally small and weak in your very eyes. (Num.13:30; Deut.2:36; Is.40:22)

 It’s important to note that identifying with God’s winning team – The Church of Christ; and believing in His coaching capabilities will ever guarantee your victory over the world and its opposing systems. The Word of God said, “For whatsoever is born of God over-cometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4)

 The choice to win and win endlessly is entirely yours. Be reminded my dear friend, if you engage God today as your Coach, you will win on all fronts and the winning streak will stream endlessly.

To your God Coach,

✝️Tochukwu Kemakolam

Prime Minister

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