“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Eph.3:20 KJV)
If you are like me, there would have been times you tried rationalizing why your prayers, confessions and earnest desires seemed not to have been answered or granted by God. In our religious minds we make attempts to exculpate God from blame for our pitiable states by making such excuses like – lack of faith on our part; maybe it’s not yet time; non observance of some religious rituals or practices; punishment for our past sins or mistakes or worse still, curse from God for the sins of our ancestry. The list is endless.
One thing religion has done is the creation of a damaging belief system that God is a very mean God – always punishing His children for their mistakes or misdemeanors. The worse part is to believe you are helping God to maintain His integrity or not to stumble. Uzza tried it and paid with his life.
Nothing can be further from the truth. God loves us unconditionally. Jesus said unequivocally, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
To make excuses for the Almighty God is to mock Him without knowing. I saw from Scriptures that the last time excuses were made for a god – Baal, it was an apparent mockery. (1 Kings 18) Our God is not an idol that’s an object of mockery.
To make excuses for God is to limit the Unlimited God. And to limit Him is to limit our possibilities.
To make excuses for God is to excuse our gross irresponsibility in disobeying or failing to keep to the laws of the spirit, principles or divine instructions.
To make excuses for God is to accuse Him of being unfaithful, unreliable, insincere and untrustworthy.
To make excuses for God is to make Him a lie or economical with the truth. To do this is to reduce Him to the level of men and demagogues.
What more? To make excuses for God is to undermine His faith in Himself. He’s God all by Himself. He took an oath in His own Name because there is no one greater to swear by – to confirm the immutability of His Word. God is committed to His Word. He cannot lie!
Therefore, God has the capacity to deliver on His promises. He doesn’t need an advocate to defend His non performance because it doesn’t exist. He faithfully answers our prayers, grants our desires and performs the counsel of His servants.
It becomes important to understand the ways of God to shift our perspective to enable us appreciate the capacity of God. Hence, we need a mind transformation.
The following truths will help to shift your perspective.
1. God can do all things but He will not do all things. He does what pleases Him.
2. God has the capacity to exceed our highest prayers, desires, dreams or thoughts.
3. Our faith in His Person and capacity to deliver on His promises gives Him pleasure.
4. We need a clear understanding of the Personality of God and His Principles. His Personality commits Him irrevocably to His Word; whilst His principles commit us to do what’s instructed or commanded.
It would amount to an insult to make excuses for God no matter what you think – the thinking is obviously wrong. God is faithful to perform all His promises toward us. Be comforted by this eternal truth – “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Nums.23:19)
To no excuses for God,
✝️Tochukwu Kemakolam
Prime Minister