“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Roms. 15:4 KJV)
Mark was more descriptive and detailed in his account of the healing of the paralytic man than the two other synoptic gospelers — Matthew and Luke. In Mark chapter 2, we are told about four friends that carried their paraplegic friend to a healing meeting where Jesus was ministering. The interesting thing about their commitment to the healing of their friend was the demonstration of their faith and courage. They tore the roof where Jesus was ministering when they could not access him through the door because of the crowd. What an inspiring story of love and faith!
Recently as I studied and meditated on this Mark’s account, the Holy Spirit began to teach me some life’s lessons. These lessons have blessed me tremendously and I pray they bless you too.
Here are some of the life lessons:
1. The gift of men remains your greatest resource— God will always use men to lead you or bring you to your healing, breakthrough, restructuring for businesses and abundance. According to Apostle Joshua Selman, “your blessings come from God through men.”
Therefore, we need to pray for the gift of men or destiny helpers who will patiently carry us in our weak and deficient state to the place of polishing, strength, efficiency and greatness.
2. There’s no barrier to a determined mind.
These four friends of the paralytic man refused to see barrier, opposition or limitation. They were determined to see Jesus and for their friend to be healed. Therefore, never give up on your dreams or visions —even in the face of obvious barriers or oppositions. There will always be a way around it, over it, on top of it or through it.
3. It takes courage to initiate and process a breakthrough. The four friends were quite courageous in their actions. Courage gives form to any virtue at the testing points of destiny. C.S Lewis observed, “Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” Therefore, be strong and very courageous!
4. Define your goals! The four friends of the paralytic man had a definite goal to see Jesus for the healing of their friend—and that goal drove them to result. Every vision is driven by goals in the short run and purpose in the long run. While goal is the what of vision, purpose is the why of vision.
5. Have a strategy to achieving your goals. These four friends of the paralytic man were strategic thinkers and fast thinkers. They had the capacity to think on their feet. They had a strategic plan with next best alternatives in case of any shit in assumptions or variable factors.
To be continued…
I commend you to these lessons. Meditate on them and give yourself wholly to them—and I see your profiting appearing for all to see. You shall surely succeed!
To learning,
Hi, Thank you for the lesson. Is there one word misspelled in the sentence above “To be continued…”?
🤣shift perhaps
I really enjoyed reading about the men how much dete