“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:” (Eph.1:3 KJV)

In my ignorance, I considered myself sinful and always sighing and seeking to be blessed. I thought I had to earn God’s blessings because religion blindfolded me from appreciating the free gift of grace. My epiphany came when I realize by revelation of Scriptures- that I’m already blessed in Christ having sincerely, openly and wholeheartedly acknowledged Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Every believer in Christ is already blessed – that’s the incontrovertible truth. We are blessed because of Christ- not because of our works, pedigree, race, color or who we think we are. And this blessing is an empowerment to prosper in everything He has called us to do.

Howbeit, this blessing is not static. It is the life of God so it’s alive and it grows. So, the empowered believer will determine the depth, length and breadth of the blessing that will operate in his or her life. I call it the dimension of beatitude. The beatitude is the supreme blessing.

The good news is that The Holy Spirit through the Scriptures has shown us how we can leverage on His grace that’s already at work in us – to deepen, lengthen and broaden the blessing in our lives for maximum and generational impact.

Follow me as we explore these 8 dimensions that ought to be and intentionally followed to maximize this supreme blessing we have in Christ.


Beatitude is a combination of two words – Be and attitude. A critical look at the eight beatitudes as sermonized on the mount by Jesus in Matthew 5 – all have to do with attitude. Therefore, beatitude is the attitude that ought to be. The Holy Spirit blesses every believer with His fruit to empower us with the right attitude to continually increase the impact of His blessing. It behooves on us to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit by yielding completely to Him and His Word.


Nothing multiplies the influence of the blessing like gratitude. Any believer that wants to exponentially increase his or her blessing, he or she must consciously and continuously show gratitude to our Benefactor in all situations. (Jer.30:19; Ps. 67:5-7)


It takes fortitude of faith, courage and boldness to access and accelerate the blessing. Your fortified strength in the Lord empowers you to take and appropriate what is rightfully yours. Abraham was strong in faith giving glory to God. (Rom.4:20)


It’s the latitude of your love for God that empowers you to stretch the blessing to limitless dimensions. God is love. The more we love, the more we become like God. Love gave us His very best and Love will give us the rest.


Your aptitude is usually the vehicle for the conveyance of material blessings. Skill buoys destiny. If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted. You won’t be held back— you’ll stand before kings!” (Prov. 22:29 TPT)


You need spiritual stamina to patiently hope for the full materialization of the blessing. The process may require some patience, persistence and perspiration for the ripen full blown blessing to emerge. Abraham patiently waited for the promise without wavering.


God blesses individuals and not groups. You need to identify your individual calling and never move with the crowd. Your blessing gains expression in your calling. In Isaiah 51:2, God called Abraham alone – blessed him and increased him.


You must have a multitude mentality. See the multitude of blessings. What you see is what you attract and seize. The size of your heart determines the abundance of your hand. God had to mentor Abraham to see the multitudes before he could attract them. “And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.” (Gen.15:5)

I trust the Holy Spirit to help you in applying these principles and it would be evident to all that your identity or designation is now – His Beatitude.

Enjoy your feast of favor and bliss always.

To your beatitude,

✝️Tochukwu Kemakolam

Prime Minister

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