“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

(James 1:22 KJV)

It’s a new year! It’s a new dawn! It’s a new day! It’s a new decade!

As I reflected on the new year, I stumbled into the thought provoking poem penned by Thomas Carlyle entitled “The Dawning Day.”  The first verse goes thus—

So here hath been dawning

   Another blue day;

Think, wilt thou let it

  Slip useless away?

I believe very strongly that at the end of our earthly sojourn —when we become fully aware of our potentials and possibilities—that our major regret will be the things we left undone and not so much the things we did, that we ought not to have done.

One way to make the days of this  year to count for you is to do those beautiful things God has inspired you to do. Those heavenly visions that will impact society positively. Write and publish that book or poem; read that book; sing that song; start that ministry; pioneer that business; initiate that social action; show gratitude and kindness; write that love or appreciation note; send the flowers; do the physical exercises; eat healthy; do righteousness and the list goes on.

My wife and I in the course of our end of year reviews— made a commitment to transit from being knowers and talkers to doers. Only doers become winners! Only doers see tangible results! Only doers make terrific impact in society! Only doers please God and in turn get visibly blessed!

My leadership mentor John Maxwell said, “ The greatest gap in the world is the gap between knowing and doing. We don’t have a knowledge problem. We have action problem.”

Therefore, we should not only mind the gap. We must intentionally fill the gap. The things we know must not be mystified but must be practiced. Please let’s resolve to be action-oriented going forward. Hear this: Only those that act become actors in the ever unfolding scenes of life. Also, the things we do again and again are the things that make for our gain.

Most times, we have the intentions to do —but we lack the power or courage to do. Good intentions are not good enough without corresponding actions. To break that inertia and be empowered to continuously do — you must be a person endued with the Spirit of faith. It takes the faith of the Son of God to do the works of God.

Hear what Ezekiel said in prophecy — “And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.” (Ezek.36:27 KJV)

Hear also what St. Paul said — “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Phil. 2:13 KJV)

Wouldn’t you rather embrace the awesome ministry of the Holy Spirit today and ask for His marvelous help by simply acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? Your simple faith in His finished work empowers you with the grace for noiseless accomplishments.

Let’s make this year the best year ever!

To being a doer,

✝️Tochukwu Kemakolam

Prime Minister

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